Monday, January 26, 2009

Craigs List?

I have sold a few things on over the last few years. What I find to be most annoying about this site is that these people are never happy with the price I list for my items. For instance, my latest post was for the 4 books that make up the Twilight series. I recently read them and enjoyed the books thoroughly, so I was in a generous mood to help someone else enjoy them. Normally I would just put the books in a box with my other ones, but as I said, I was in a charitable mood. So I list the price for all 4 books as 25 dollars. Nowhere in my ad did I put the letter "OBO" for someone to assume I was in the business of heckling prices. That did not stop my e-mail box from being flooded with people requesting to pay less for the books or buy only one or two off of me. So my question is, CAN YOU READ? "You" being the person who came upon my ad in the first place. Picky, whiny, sob stories of why I should lower my prices. Let me tell you something those books weren't cheap. The prices I paid were 13 for Twilight, 15 for New Moon, 20 for Eclipse, and 15 for Breaking Dawn. I bought New Moon at a book store so it was a bit more expensive than the others. So all together I paid 63 dollars for the series and all I was asking for them was 25 bucks. 25 BUCKS. That's quite a savings. However I had one person have the audacity to tell me that I should sell each book for 4 dollars because they were used. Then I had one saying that it was a "kid" and I should sell them all for 15 bucks because he/she was so young and didn't have any money. OK, I get it, you all know better than me what I should or would take for each book. Trying to guilt trip me or bully me into selling you a GD BOOK. Ok, if it's really that difficult for you to pay 25 bucks for all 4 books THEN FIND ANOTHER SOURCE. I set my price at what I was willing to take for them and that should be final. What is some sort of Mexican blanket market? I say this because they like to heckle. I remember on a trip to Mexico with my family we went to this market where my father attempted to purchase a blanket from a crafty Mexican. The Mexican informed my dad that the blankets were 2 for 10. "5 bucks a piece" my dad asked. The Mexican said no 2 for 10. Oh OK, so in Mexican math 2 for 10 doesn't mean 5 bucks a piece. 
  What the hell is up with people today? is a wonderful site that helps people find and sell things of their choosing for free. That's awesome, but really is it like some backwards, broken down used car lot where the people buying are the hecklers? I am about fed up with it. I can also remember needing to sell one of those little saucers that kids sit in and play with the toys. The kind for babies to swirl around and rock and such, well I wanted to sell it for like 20 bucks (which is a steal if you knew what I paid for it) and bet your ass I ended up with a bunch of e-mails again telling me what was wrong with my price. I even had one mom write me and tell me her money problems and why I should just let her have it. Yeah because your kid will die without it right? Please, who doesn't have money problems.. I know I do at times. 

either way, next time you try and heckle on craigslist think twice about the bullshit you put in your e-mail, it may make the owner not want to sell to you just because you're an idiot. 

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